Glossary of Terms

Acronyms and Terms Recently Used by Yavapai Firewise (PAWUIC*) on Meeting Agendas (through 02-2011)

ADEQ - Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
APS - Arizona Public Service
ARRA - American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - (grant funding—50/50)
AzWrap- Arizona Wildfire Risk Assessment Program
CAFMA - Central Arizona Fire & Medical Authority
Defensible space - The modification of landscape design, fuels, plant selection, building materials, and maintenance to lessen the possibility of a wildfire home ignition or spread of fire from home to forest. In the event of wildfire, defensible space provides firefighters a safe, functional space to prevent wildfire from spreading to or from properties.
Survivable space - The modification of landscape design, fuels, plant selection, building materials, and maintenance to lessen the possibility of a wildfire home ignition or spread of fire from home to forest, even without direct firefighter intervention.
DFFM - Department of Forestry and Fire Management
FAC - Fire Adaptive Community
FWC - Firewise® Community
GCFD - Groom Creek Fire Department
IFEMG - Interagency Fire and Emergency Management Group
JFD - Jerome Fire Department
LEPC - Local Emergency Planning Committee
MFD - Mayer Fire District
PAWUIC - Prescott Area Wildland Urban Interface Commission, aka Yavapai Firewise
PFAC - Ponderosa Fire Advisory Council
PFD - Prescott Fire Department
PNF - Prescott National Forest
PYT - Prescott Yavapai Tribe
Red Zone - Originally, software used to assess wildfire risk. In PAWUIC documents and discussions, the term refers to fire risk assessments performed in the wildland urban interface (WUI) by Prescott Fire Department.
SFA - (grant funding—50/50) State of Arizona Fire Assistance
SFD - Sedona Fire District
Title III - (grant funding) federal government monies given to states which in turn are provided to counties for Firewise® Communities programs and to develop community wildfire protection plans.
WCAA - Walker Community Action Alliance
WFPA - Walker Fire Protection Association
WUI - Wildland Urban Interface
YCCE - University of Arizona Yavapai County Cooperative Extension
YCSO - Yavapai County Sheriff Office

Additional Acronyms Used by Wildland Fire Prevention Agencies and Professionals in Yavapai County AICG - Arizona Interagency Coordinating Group
ASLD - Arizona State Land Department
AWA - Arizona Wildfire Academy
BCFD - Black Canyon Fire District
BIA - Bureau of Indian Affairs
BLM - Bureau of Land Management
CVFD - Chino Valley Fire District
HFEDT - Healthy Forests Economic Development Team
HFRA - Healthy Forest Restoration Act of 2003. The impetus for comprehensive forest planning
NWCG - National Wildfire Coordinating Group
WBBI - (grant funding—50/50) Western Bark Beetle Initiative
WFHF - (grant funding—90/10) Wildland Fire Hazardous Fuels
WVFD - Williamson Valley Fire District
YCCF - Yavapai County Community Fund
YCEM - Yavapai County Emergency Management
YCWPP - Yavapai County Communities Wildfire Protection Plan