Agencies and Other Useful Links
Alert Yavapai Signup, Emergency Notification System
Animal Disaster Services, 928-642-0758, information about evacuating your pets and other animals
Arizona Cooperative Extension, plant and other information
Arizona Department of Public Safety (DPS)
Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT)
Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management
Arizona Interagency Wildfire Prevention
Central Arizona Fire and Medical Authority, info, burn permits, defensible space assessments outside Prescott
Equine Emergency Evacuation, a tax-exempt, all-volunteer organization that assists equine owners in the event of wildfire, flood, and other emergency situations. EEE is the only County 911 resource that performs this function.
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
Firewise USA/National Fire Protection Association, information, brochures, resources for Firewise Communities
Flagstaff (Prescott) Weather Service
Large Animal Shelters and Emergency Readiness, emergency shelter for barn animals during emergencies in Yavapai County
National Interagency Fire Center (Boise, Idaho)
Prescott National Forest, fire restrictions, fire and aviation info, prescribed burn schedules
Incident Information System (Fires and Prescribed Burns in the Prescott Area)
Prescott Dispatch Center: interagency focal point for the mobilization of resources from the Prescott National Forest, Colorado River District BLM, Colorado River Agency BIA, Fort Yuma Agency BIA, Western Region Office BIA, and US Fish & Wildlife Refuges along the Colorado River. Located
Prescott Unified Schools Snow Day Information
Ready, Set, Go Evacuation Info
Yavapai County Office of Emergency Management, resources, info, incident info, alerts, transfer stations hours and locations (for disposal of brush), evacuations, sand bag locations.