Our Vision: All Yavapai County communities safely co-exist with wildfire.
Wildfires in Yavapai County are inevitable. Be prepared to safely coexist with wildfire.
Understand the risk and take steps to:
make your home safer for your family,
protect your property,
safeguard your property value,
create a sense of security.
Join family, friends, and neighbors who are taking action to be ember prepared and/or create defensible space around their homes
Reduce the potential impact of a wildfire - Be Firewise!
Mission Statement: Yavapai Firewise works to reduce wildfire risk in Yavapai County communities through education and joint efforts among neighborhoods and relevant agencies.
Core Values: Committed Together with PRIDE”
1. Collaborative – willing and able to work with others
2. Transparent – open communications within and between organizations
3. Professional – technically competent; working with facts; respectful of others
4. Reliable – consistency between word and deed; dependable
5. Inclusive – welcoming and open to all members and communities
6. Dedicated – committed to the Vision and Mission of the organization
7. Ethical – honest, forthright and work with integrity
Strategic Plan Updated 2021 for completion FY25
Contact Yavapai Firewise by email: pawuic1@gmail.com OR call 928-277-8032.
Your Wildfire Risk
Wildfire is a real and ever-present danger across Yavapai County and near your home. Each resident has a role in reducing wildfire risk, helping make their neighborhood safer, and protecting their home. As we all know, the vegetation that surrounds us is continually growing and creating more dense fuel for potential wildfire. Hazardous fuels (vegetation) must be continuously managed and selectively thinned in order to significantly reduce wildfire risk and the potential of loss of homes.
The cost to fight a wildfire is about 23 times
the cost of preventive Firewise mitigation.
Be Ember Prepared
Clean Your Yard using the Be Ember Prepared Checklist
Watch the Be Ember Prepared Video: https://youtu.be/gAuhNDb963Y
Create Defensible Space
Apply the principles of zone management around your home
Download Creating Defensible Space brochure
Watch How to Create Defensible Space Around Your Home video
Become Engaged
Learn Your Wildfire Risks
Do you live in a Firewise Community? See the list of Firewise Communities in Yavapai County
Review the Wildfire Threat Level Map for your location
Consider the Yavapai Communities Wildfire Protection Plan
Participate in Firewise Events
Attend Yavapai Firewise monthly meetings
Meetings are held on the first Thursday of every month (except January, and July), at 8:00 a.m. at the Emergency Management Building, 1100 Commerce, Prescott, AZ and by Zoom. Subscribe below for meeting notifications and Zoom links.
Meeting Code of Conduct.
Support Yavapai Firewise
Volunteer with the Wildfire Expo, Prescott Christmas Parade, or your Firewise community events
Donate to Yavapai Firewise
To learn more, call Administrator at 928-277-8032.
Follow us on Facebook. No account required for read-only.
Contact us for more information about Yavapai Firewise or becoming a Firewise Community.